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작성자 게시일 조회수의 정보를 제공하는 Infectious Disease Newsletter (Nov. 2023) in English의 상세페이지입니다.

Infectious Disease Newsletter (Nov. 2023) in English

작성자 : 관리자 게시일 : 2023-11-07


첨부파일 : 첨부파일부산시감염병관리지원단 뉴스레터 11월호(영어).jpg  (다운로드 횟수 : 4) 첨부파일부산시감염병관리지원단 뉴스레터 11월호(영어).pdf  (다운로드 횟수 : 4)

Busan Metropolitan City
Infectious Disease Newsletter
November | 2023
Flu Vaccination, the Sooner  the Better!
High risk population (subject to the national vaccination)
Children: Children born 
from January 1, 2010 
to August 31, 2023

First vaccination for children: 2 doses
Pregnant women: Prepare a document confirming your pregnancy
Senior: Those who were born on December 31, 1958 or earlier
Subjects to social protection: Persons with severe disabilities, recipients of livelihood and medical benefits, persons of national merit (persons), etc.
If you are not eligible to the national vaccination, please get a shot at a medical facility
You can find the free vaccination designated medical facilities at the Vaccination Helper’s web page. (QR code)
Also, do not forget COVID-19 vaccination!
Simultaneous vaccination with the influenza (flu) vaccine recommended!
Vaccination is recommended
- 65 years old or older
- 12-64 years old with low immunity
- Members at the infection-vulnerable facilities
- Thurdsay, October 19, 2023 – Sunday, March 31, 2024
Mandatory to get vaccination
- 12 years old or older
- Wednesday, November 1, 2023 – Sunday, March 31, 2024
Vaccination interval
- Only one dose of shot regardless of the previous history of COVID-19 vaccination
 * Vaccination is available at least 90 days after the last date of vaccination 
Same day vaccination
- Vaccination is available on  site without appointment
Appointment is needed
- Available at the Vaccination Helper’s web page (appointment by proxy possible)
Infectious Disease Control Support Division 888-6931~8, Department of Infectious Disease Management 888-3321~7, 3726 사진0